Word Processors have become an essential application for all types of users. Microsoft Word is one of the most used word processing applications in Windows, Mac and in many popular mobile platforms. The only problem in MS Word is its cost. It cannot be affordable for everyone. That’s why we have free alternatives like Google Docs, Open Office, etc. Today I’ve come with one such application called “Jarte”, an excellent portable Word Processing application for PC. Lets have a look at the features and functions of the app below.
Jarte is a very light weighted word processing application for Windows. It has both portable and normal execution files for installation. You can download the app from its official website using the link below. The interface of the application will look strange when you use it for the first time, but the options are pretty easy to understand. There will be a welcome page on the application which has all the instructions to use the app. It comes with three different layouts called Minimal, Compact and Classic. You can choose the layouts from the “View” option on the menu bar.
The minimal layout will look similar to the notepad and all the options will be available on the menu bar. The compact layout will show all the options as icons and will give you a lot of space to edit your text. Classic Mode will show the actual interface of the application. Jarte supports .RTF, .DOC and .DOCX formats and you can export the documents in HTML and PDF file formats. The app offers “Tabbed Interface” to quickly switch between different documents without leaving the window. Also, the “Split View Mode” will let you edit multiple documents at the same time.
Since it needs only a 10MB of memory space for installation, the application will work faster even in a minimal hardware configuration. You can carry the app in your USB Drive or save in your cloud account to use anywhere on the go. This will save a lot of space in your hard drive and the installation is very quick as compared to other word processing applications. If you work on different computers, Jarte will be very helpful to quickly install and edit your documents. Try this app on your PC and share your experience with us in the comments. Thanks for reading, do share this post with your friends.