Unless you have been residing beneath a rock, you likely already know that Microsoft has pushed out Windows 8.1 and, with it, a raft of updates to improve upon everything that was perceived broken in the past version of the operating system. Despite high profile improvements such as the addition of a Start button and the ability to boot to desktop, there were behind-the-scenes improvements as well.
While BlogsDNA has brought you many inside looks at Windows 8.1, today Microsoft themselves took the task on, posting some details about one such feature that has received little attention.
The Start screen debuted in Windows 8 last October, and allowed customers to choose from a limited variety of backgrounds, all of which were handpicked by Microsoft.
In Windows 8.1, the company has elected to open the playing field to all comers. Now when you choose a wallpaper or theme, the option to make this the background for the Start screen is also available. The OS has been out a week, and the option was a part of the beta program, but today the company decided to finally show it some love, detailing a bit of information regarding the feature.
This not anything that many savvy users could not deuce on their own, but the software giant still opted to explain it for those non-advanced users out there. If you are one of those who fall within that category, then here is the quick guide to set this up — it does have to be enabled, as it is not the default.
1. From the desktop, right-click the taskbar and choose the “Properties” option.
2. Tap or click the “Navigation” tab, then tap or click the “Show my desktop background on Start” check box (fifth down from the top) to select it.
3. The easy step — click that “OK” button to be done.
There is no reason you would wish to so this — perhaps the bacjground offered by Microsoft are just fine with you. However, ost people prefer customization to the max, meaning choosing your own, as opposed to picking something from the offerings of a corporation. In that case, and I assume it is many of you, follow the siple steps listed above and make Windows 8.1 just a bit more like your own personal computing platform.