One thing that Windows 8 introduced, and which has persisted in the 8.1 update is the hot corners. The phrase may not be familiar to you, even if you use the operating system. If you aren’t familiar then this is the view you get when you move your mouse pointer, or finger, to the corners of the screen. To the right, you’ll get the Charms Menu, to left you’ll find open “metro” or “modern” apps.
For the most part this is useful, especially Charms. But not everyone is going to love this functionality — after all, it can get in the way when you are least expecting it.
You can disable this functionality if you so choose and, no doubt, some of you are dying to do exactly that. Here are the steps to follow if that is what you wish to do.
Get started by right-clicking on the desktop taskbar, and choosing the “Properties” option.
Tap on the “Navigation” tab. Under the “Corner navigation” heading, you can disable the top left (open apps) and top right (Windows charms) corners. Both options are listed near the top and are checked by default.
I doubt that many will wish to turn off this rather useful functionality, but the options can get in the way at times, especially when they pop-up unexpectedly. So, it’s good that you can get rid of them if you wish to.